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Mac Os X Compatibility

You should always update macOS to latest compatible version, and this will help you to run Mac more smoothly and securely. You might have unexpected behavior and problems when you try to use an incompatible version on your MacBook, MacBook Air, iMac or the Mac Mini computer. So you must know if your Mac is compatible with latest macOS, or it’s too old to update.

  1. Mac Os X Compatibility List
  2. Mac Os X Compatibility List

Is my Mac Compatible with macOS?

When you buy a Mac, the macOS comes already installed on it with the most compatible version. But you can install the later version as well, and you have to check out whether your Mac can run the new version of Mac operating system or not.

How to Check your Mac Model

To see the compatibility of macOS with your computer, you must know about your Mac model and year. To find the model of your Mac, on the top-left corner of the screen, click the Apple menu and then select About this Mac option.


macOS Mojave Compatibility

macOS 10.14 named as Mojave and the following Mac can run it.

  • MacBook — Early 2015 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Mid 2012 or newer
  • MacBook Pro — Mid 2012 or newer
  • Mac mini — Late 2012 or newer
  • iMac — Late 2012 or newer
  • iMac Pro — 2017
  • Mac Pro — Late 2013, plus mid-2010 and mid-2012 models with recommending Metal-capable GPU)

Examplify: Minimum System Requirements for Mac OS X. Wii u emulator mac os x. Support Communities / Mac OS & System Software / Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.

Other general requirements for macOS 10.14 Mojave are, you need at OS X 10.8 or newer version, 2GB or memory and 12.5GB to 18.5GB or storage space depends on the installed operating system.

macOS High Sierra Compatibility

The following Mac computers are compatible with macOS High Sierra 10.13 and remember there may be some features or apps in this macOS that required specific hardware.

  • MacBook — Late 2009 or newer
  • MacBook Pro — Mid 2010 or newer
  • Mac Pro — Mid 2010 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2010 or newer
  • Mac mini — Mid 2010 or newer
  • iMac — Late 2009 or newer

For upgrade to macOS High Sierra, you must have OS X 10.8 or later versions, 2GB memory and it also requires at least 14.3GB or more storage space.

macOS Sierra Compatibility

Is my Mac compatible with macOS Sierra 10.12? If that’s the question to want an answer to, look for your Mac model below. If you see it in the list below then you can run macOS Sierra, otherwise, its time to upgrade the hardware.

  • MacBook — Late 2009 or later
  • MacBook Pro — Mid 2010 or later
  • Mac Pro — Mid 2010 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2010 or later
  • Mac mini — Mid 2010 or later
  • iMac — Late 2009 or newer

For upgrade to macOS Sierra, you must have OS X 10.7.5 or later versions, 2GB memory and also required at least 8.8GB or more storage space.

OS X El Capitan Compatible Macs


OS X El Capitan 10.11 compatible Mac list are as below.

  • MacBook
    • Early 2015
    • Late 2008 Aluminum
    • Early 2009 or newer
  • MacBook Pro
    • Mid 2007
    • Late 2007 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2008 or newer
  • Mac mini — Early 2009 or newer
  • iMac — Mid 2007 or newer
  • Mac Pro — Early 2008 or newer
  • Xserve — Early 2009

For upgrade to OS X El Capitan, you must have OS X 10.6.8 or later versions, 2GB memory and also required at least 8.8GB or more storage space.

OS X Yosemite Compatibility list

Mac computer that supports the OS X Yosemite 10.10 is as follow.

  • MacBook
    • Late 2008 Aluminum
    • Early 2009 or newer
  • MacBook Pro
    • 13″ Mid 2009 or newer,
    • 15″ Mid 2007, Late 2007 or newer
    • 17″ Late 2007 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2008 or newer
  • Mac mini — Early 2009 or newer
  • iMac — Mid 2007 or newer
  • Mac Pro — Early 2008 or newer
  • Xserve — Early 2009

Mac Os X Compatibility List

For upgrade to OS X Yosemite, requirements of OS X version, memory and space are same as above El Capitan.

OS X Mavericks Compatible devices

The following Mac computer can run OS X Mavericks 10.9.

  • MacBook
    • Late 2008 Aluminum
    • Early 2009 or newer
  • MacBook Pro
    • Mid/Late 2007 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2008 or newer
  • Mac mini — Early 2009 or newer
  • iMac — Mid 2007 or newer
  • Mac Pro — Early 2008 or newer
  • Xserve — Early 2009

For upgrade to OS X Mavericks, requirements of OS X version, memory and space are same as above Yosemite.

OS X Mountain Lion Supported models

The following Mac computer can run OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.

  • MacBook
    • Late 2008 Aluminum
    • Early 2009 or newer
  • MacBook Pro
    • Mid/Late 2007 or newer
  • MacBook Air — Late 2008 or newer
  • Mac mini — Early 2009 or newer
  • iMac — Mid 2007 or newer
  • Mac Pro — Early 2008 or newer
  • Xserve — Early 2009

For upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion, requirements of OS X version, memory and space are same as above Mavericks.

OS X Lion Supported Mac Devices

Any Mac computer with the following specifications can run OS X Lion 10.7.

  • Intel Processor
    • Intel Core 2 Duo
    • Core i3, i5 or i7
    • Xeon processor

For upgrade to OS X Lion, you need 2GB memory, OS X version 10.6.6 or later and at least 7GB of storage space.

OS X Snow Leopard Compatibility List

Mac Os X Compatibility List

To run OS X Snow Leopard v10.6 smoothly you any an Intel-based Mac.

Mac Os X Compatibility

You need 1GB memory, at least 5GB of storage space and DVD drive for installation.

OS X Leopard Compatibility List

Both PowerPC and Intel x86-based Macintosh computers can run Leopard v10.5. G3 processors are dropped, and for the G4 processor it should be 867 MHz, minimum 512 MB or memory should be installed.

Symptoms that macOS is not compatible

First of all when to try to boot your Mac from a hard drive or a Backup and this macOS version is incompatible then you will see any of the following signs.

  • You are getting unsupported or incorrect macOS version or build number message.
  • The system is not booting from the source drive or backup.
  • Different hardware components are not working correctly including Mac WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, touchpad/trackpad, keyboard, mouse, cooling fans, etc.
  • You might also see software related issues as well as the app didn’t work correctly and crashed without any error.

How to upgrade operating system on your Mac If you have found a new compatible macOS version that you want to install right now then here is how to update the Mac operating system.

Related Content

This page covers PCMCIA/PC Card WiFi hardware that is compatible with Mac OS X. Some of these devices are also compatible with the Classic Mac OS; all of them are reported to work with OS X.

We have a separate page covering the more efficient WiFi CardBus Adapters Compatible with PowerBooks.

USB, ethernet, PCI, and other WiFi hardware more suitable for desktop use is covered in WiFi Hardware Compatible with Desktop Macs Running OS X.

This information is adapted from Mac OS Wireless Adapter Compatibility List by permission of the author, who gives a “nod to the Adapter List for doing the heavy lifting.”

VendorTypeProduct IDInterfaceChipsetOS SupportDriver(s)Comments


Above Cable802.11bACPC2010-11PCMCIAPrism (?)9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Accton802.11bACEW3101PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Addtron802.11bAWP100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Agere802.11bOrinocoGoldPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?
Alvarion802.11bPC-DS.11bPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?
Ambicom802.11bWL1100BPCPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Asante802.11bAL1001 RevAPCMCIAPrism (?)9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Asante802.11bAL1001 RevBPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4Asante
Asante802.11bAL1011DPPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4Asante, Macsense
Asante802.11bAL1011FRPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Asante802.11bAL1211DPPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Avaya802.11b700016785PCMCIAOrinoco8.6-9.x Avaya
Avaya802.11b700016777PCMCIAOrinoco8.6-9.x Avaya


Belkin802.11bF5D6020PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Belkin802.11gF5D7011PCMCIABroadcom10.2-10.4AirPort 3.4.1
Ben-Q802.11bAWL-100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Buffalo802.11bWLIPCML11PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense
Buffalo802.11b“”PCML11GPPCMCIAAgere (?)9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts


Cisco802.11bAIRPCM340PCMCIAAironet (?)8.6-upCisco
Compaq802.11bIPAQHNW100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Compaq802.11bWL100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Compaq802.11bWL110PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?
Compex802.11bWL11APCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?


D-link802.11bDCF650WPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
D-link802.11bDCF660WPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
D-link802.11bDWL-650PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4Ioxperts (10.2 and up), Macsense
Dell802.11bTruMobil1150PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Digicom802.11b8E4084PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts


Edimax802.11bEW-7103PCPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Elecom802.11bLD-WL11/PCCPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
ELSA802.11bMC-11PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
ELSA802.11bVianect MC11PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
EnGenius802.11bEL-2011PCMCIAPrism (?)9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertssee Senao
EnGenius802.11bEL-2511PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxpertssee Senao
Enterasys802.11bCSSIBD-AAPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Enterasys802.11bCSICDAW128PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


Farallon (see Proxim)
Fujitsu802.11bE-1100PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsSiemens


Gemtek802.11bWL612FPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts


Hamlet802.11bHNWP100PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Hewlett-Packard802.11bHN220W?PCMCIA9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Hewlett-Packard802.11bWL110PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?


IO Data802.11bWN-B11/PCMPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
IO Data802.11bWNB11/PCMHPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Intel802.11bWPC1011PCMCIASymbol9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, MacsenseOrinoco based


Krone-AirLAN802.11b6462211900PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts


Linksys802.11bWPC11PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Lucent802.11bWaveLANGoldPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, MacsenseAirPort also?
Lucent802.11bWaveLANSilv.PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, MacsenseAirPort also?
Lucent802.11bWaveLANBronzePCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsAirPort also?


Melco (see Buffalo)
Microsoft802.11bMN-520PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Milan802.11bMIL1897PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
MMC802.11bMW1000PCMPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


NEC802.11bPCWL/11CPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Netgear802.11bMA401PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Netgear802.11bMA401RAPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Nokia802.11bC110PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Nokia802.11bC111PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


Panasonic802.11bCFVWLS071UPCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Persol802.11bPBW001PCMCIA9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Planex802.11bGWCF11PCMCIA9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Proxim802.11b8420-WDPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Proxim802.11b8430PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


Samsumg802.11bSWL2000NPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Samsumg802.11bSWL2100NPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Senao802.11bSL-2511PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxpertssee Engenius
Siemens802.11bSS1021PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Sitecom802.11bWL-002PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
SMC802.11bSMC2532WBPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
SMC802.11bSMC2632WPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxpertsver 1 only
Sony802.11bERA201D1PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Sony802.11bPCWAC100PCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Sony802.11bPCWAC150SPCMCIAOrinoco9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts


Telekom802.11bT-Sinus 130?PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Toshiba802.11b?PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


Uniden802.11bPCW300PCMCIA?9, 10.2-10.4IOxperts?
US Robotics802.11bUSR2410PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
US Robotics802.11bUSR2445PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense




Yamaha802.11bYBL11B5PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense


Z-Com802.11bXI300PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Z-Com802.11bXI300BPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Z-Com802.11bXI325PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts(Zcomax?)
Z-Com802.11bXI325HPPCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts
Zoom802.11b4100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts, Macsense
Zyxel802.11b100PCMCIAPrism2/2.5/39, 10.2-10.4IOxperts

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